The girls change so much every day. It feels like yesterday they were just saying single words or little phrases but now they are super chatty. Taylor loves to get into these long, serious conversations. She does hand motions and all. Usually when she goes into the long conversations I have no idea what she is talking about because she babbles non-stop but she is very serious about whatever it is. It is nice to be able to communicate with the girls and for them to be able to understand what I tell them and respond. I can actually reason with them some now. If I tell Kaylie she can have her frootloops later when we go downstairs she understands that and will wait patiently instead of crying. They also remember everything you tell them. In the car on the way to daycare I told them that was Taylor Swift singing and that it is another girl that also has the name Taylor. When we got back in the car I still had that cd playing and Taylor told me "That's Taylor singing".
Kaylie is outgoing and full of energy. She is a little shy but it doesn't take her long to warm up to someone new. She gets super excited about everything. She opens her eyes and mouth as wide as she can, squeals and takes off running. She is a very happy child and also very emotional. She gets her feelings hurt very easily. If you yell at her for something she does (but then you realize she didn't actually do it on purpose) she will get the saddest face you have ever seen. Her bottom lip comes out and she gets the saddest eyes with tears in them. She tries to hold it in and then she bursts into tears and runs for hugs from mama. Kathy (teacher at daycare) told me that she was painting Kaylie's toenails and a parent came in the classroom so she had to stop for a second. When she looked back down Kaylie had taken the purple fingernail polish and painted Kathy's leg. Kathy fussed at her and Kaylie immediately burst into tears and said "Kathy pretty". Kathy said she felt bad because she then realized she wasn't trying to be mischievious but was trying to be nice. She gets her feelings hurt so easily. She is such a sweet girl. Kaylie doesn't like cookies or cake or most things sweet. If it was up to her then her diet would only consist of bananas, grapes, applejacks, milk and turkey hotdogs. Bananas ('Nanas") are by far her favorite. We actually have to tell her she can't have anymore most days. Kaylie usually eats all of her dinner and 3/4ths of Taylor's too.
Kaylie came up to me and decided to give me a list of things she likes. She put her arm around me and the conversation went like this: "I like grapes, I like hotdogs, I like nanas, I like milk, I like Mickey Mouse, I like ABCD, I like Goofy, I like doggy, I like outside." She went on and on about what she likes. I think she said grapes and hotdogs about 10 times....maybe I need to change their menu...haha.
Taylor is much more shy. She even takes a while to warm up to family that she hasn't seen in a while. If you are a stranger she isn't going anywhere near you. She will hug my leg and not let go. If you try to talk to her she will turn her head the opposite direction. She is more quiet (other than her long conversations) and reserved. She likes to do everything by herself and she likes for things to be orderly. She enjoys putting things in her grocery cart or stroller and pushing them around. She likes to put on her glove and pretend she is cooking in her kitchen. She STILL tries to close the mailbox on her playhouse (it won't stay closed). I wish I could describe this thing she does but I don't think I can. She will kind of hold her head and nose up high in the air and stick her arm out and walk around like she is in her own little world. If you try to talk to her or hold her when she is doing it she will ignore you. I think she must be pretending something. She LOVES to go outside. That is by far her favorite thing to do. Both girls love to dance and Taylor has actually been able to imitate exactly some dance steps I do. Both girls hold my hands and dance with me. They sometimes fight over who gets to dance with mama and we all three dance holding hands. Taylor likes applejacks, juice and she likes sweet stuff. She is a sweet, loving little girl.
The other day I was sitting at the computer working and the girls were doing something cute so I grabbed the video camera and spun around in my computer chair to video them. Taylor was playing with something in her hands but glanced up at me and mumbled to herself "Mama 'posed to be working."
The last two nights before I went to bed I went into the girls room to check on them. I bent down on my knees and put my head on their pillows and gave them both a kiss. Both nights Kaylie opened her eyes and gave me a precious little smile and put her arm around me and went right back to sleep. Those are the moments I treasure.
Thanks to all the grandparents for the playset they gave the girls for their birthdays. AND A HUGE THANK YOU to Granddad Stovall and Neale for putting it together. Grandad Stovall spent about 22 HOURS (and Neale helped for 12 hours) working on it. The girls love it and we really appreciate it. The girls had a nice visit with Nana and Granddad and were sad to see them go.
Happy late birthday to Aunt Kelley, our Aunt Cathy, and Grandpa Dale! We love you.