Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Nice Visit

Mama and Taylor
Kaylie Coloring

My Sweet Babies

Taylor watching tv at her table

Laying on Sissy

We are BUSY, BUSY (arms in the air)

Coloring is my new favorite thing (besides reading)

Sitting at our new table that we love


And more reading while sitting on our toybox

Dancing with Grandma Fran

Dancing with Daddy

Having a tea party, eating goldfish and coloring. Kaylie the Fashion Diva decided she did NOT want to wear her dress.

Giving Hi 5's to Grandpa Dale

Taylor and Grandma Fran

Taylor reading with Grandma Fran and Aunt Cathy


Our Dance Party...the girls LOVE to dance

Taylor with her "Trouble" look climbing on the furniture
We had a nice visit with Fran, Dale and Cathy. We had a dance party in our living room that Aunt Cathy started that the girls absolutely loved. The girls got some new books so they have been reading those non-stop. Thanks for the books and clothes Fran and Dale! And thanks to Aunt Cathy for coming to visit and for her extreme kindness. We really appreciate it.
The girls got a new fairy table that they love. They sit at it and eat their snack, read, and color. They LOVE to color. We had a lesson about only having crayons at the table. The girls understood the lesson and have been obeying it. They are so smart and so amazing and kind and loving...I could go on forever because they just amaze me every day. They share have such great personalities at only a year and a half. You can have a discussion with them and they understand it. I am just so proud of them and I can't get enough of them. I am glad for women's rights so don't get me wrong because if women didn't have the rights we have then I would probably be at the front of the line fighting for them....BUT .....sometimes I can't help but wish for the old days when the woman stayed home and was a MOM. Time just goes by so quickly. It is like you blink and they aren't babies anymore. Of course, I love my job so I would have to work but maybe just not as much.
Kaylie is back to her fashion diva ways. Fran and Dale bought her an adorable dress but she was not wearing it. It had to come off. So opinionated already.
Kaylie's new word is "Baby". She says it very clearly and often. I had no idea where she got it from and then I kept catching myself saying it to her. I would say "Are you mama's baby?" or "I love you Baby", etc. She also loves to say "No". And if Taylor or the dogs do something wrong she will tell them "No" and shake her finger at them.
The girls get in these moods where they want to be wild and they just take off running after each other giggling and screaming through the house. It cracks me up. They have just learned how to run and it is so funny.
The girls are great so I couldn't ask for more. Life is good.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Photos Coming Soon

I tried uploading some video a couple days ago but it didn't work so I will have to try again when I am not quite as busy. The girls are growing too quickly! I wish I could just freeze them right at this age for a couple years. It is just so fascinating how their little brains work and I love to hear them talk. I love the baby babble. They look at me so seriously and talk and talk. Their vocabulary is rapidly expanding. They can repeat words exactly as I say them. I have alphabet books and I read them to the girls and make the sound of the letter and the girls repeat them.

They have started stomping their feet when they get mad or don't get their way. Both of them do it. When I was reading their daily sheets from daycare yesterday I figured out where it comes from. It said "Kaylie loves doing morning exercises. She LOVES to stomp her feet."

Kaylie has been home sick for part of yesterday and today but I think she is starting to feel better. I have also been sick. Taylor was sick for one day but is better now. So far Neale is in the clear. I woke Kaylie up last night before I went to sleep to give her some medicine. I hadn't gotten to see her all day because by the time I got home from my photo session she was asleep. I told her I loved her and she relied "I Love You" and then I told her "Night, night" and she said "Goodnight" and waved to me and rolled back on her stomach and went to sleep. So sweet. Kaylie stayed home sick today so I went to pick Taylor up from daycare. Sometimes they put the girls in different rooms for part of the day. They move them around according to how many students are there per teacher. Taylor must have thought Kaylie was in the room next door because when I was walking out the front door Taylor pointed at the door to another room and said "Sissy". I think she thought I was forgetting Kaylie.

The girls will start a new daycare next month. They have been on the waiting list for this place since I found out I was pregnant and they just got a spot. The daycare is closer to me which is really important because I can take them to daycare and pick them up every day. Neale does it most of the time now because it is on his way to work. I just feel like I don't know what they do all day. I don't know any other kids or parents in their classes, etc. The teachers where they are now have been great but I just want to be more involved because I feel like I am missing out on too much so this is a step in that direction. So I am excited about it. Summer is almost over which I am thrilled about. I am so grateful that my summer was so booked but the most important thing to me right now is spending time with my family so I am hoping to get to do more of that in the near future.

Neale's dad and Cissy just left town and Neale's mom, Dale, and Aunt Cathy are coming this weekend so we are looking forward to their visit.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


My Little Taylor

Love those blue eyes

My "Trouble" look

Hanging with sissy eating goldfish

Taylor relaxing (and putting a piece of her book in her mouth)

Kaylie being silly (and cute)


Taylor playing the "Where Is Taylor" game. She would hide behindthe corner of the porch and I would ask "Where is Taylor?" and she ran out smiling

Playing "Where Is Kaylie"

Kaylie on the move...she puts her arm out like that when she dances too

OLDER PHOTOS BELOW...some I never got around to posting

This is how I carry my purse (and Sissy's purse too)

Kaylie loved this long as it wasn't moving. She just wanted to sit on it.

Chillin in my car

I think this photo is so funny because Kaylie is doing exactly what the guy is doing

A couple weeks ago when it seemed like everything that could go wrong was going wrong I had a photo session at Huntington Beach State Park. I was meeting the people in the parking lot nearby and it began raining HARD....big storm. The photo session got rained out but where that tree fell is where I normally park (facing the road) to meet people. When I pulled into the parking lot I looked at the tree nearby swaying in the wind and decided to go to the other side of the parking lot. Right when I pulled into the other space the tree snapped and fell right where I would have been. So I guess I may have a little bit of luck left in me afterall.

Kaylie swinging in the neighborhood
This is by far my favorite age for the girls so far. Their vocabulary amazes me. They are starting to say 2 and 3 word phrases and popular words are "All Gone", "Up please", "Down", "I Love You", "Sissy", "No", "Fish", "Dog", "Quack", "Moo", "Book", "Mama", "Daddy". They talk all the time. A good bit is baby babble which I adore. Kaylie comes right up to me and looks me right in the eyes and just talks and talks and talks. And she is so serious about it. I usually say "Yes" and she agrees with me and then walks off. I would love to know what she is thinking or trying to communicate. They can repeat words you say exactly.
The other day Kaylie walked up to me so seriously. She was just staring at me and I was wondering what in the world she was doing. She seemed to be concentrating really hard. Then she leaned in and kissed me. Very sweet.
The girls are very girlie. I have no idea where they get it because all I have time to do is hop out of the shower and go. They on the other hand like to walk around with their purses, talk on the phone, brush their hair, and try on shoes. They can get shoes on by themselves sometimes. And is unbelieveable to me but she is picky about what clothes she wears. If you put her in an outfit she doesn't like she will let you know. She will pitch a fit and try to take the clothes off. She definitely has an opinion about what she one and a half!

Monday, August 2, 2010

"I Love You" A Year and a Half Old

So I haven't blogged in a while because I am just trying to keep my head above water these days. My summer schedule is torture. Last night I was editing photos until after 3 am. It is never ending. I haven't gotten to spend much time with the girls or with Neale which needs to change. I miss them.

The girls turned 1 and 1/2 ( it was over a week ago but I am trying to keep up). They went to the doctor for their check up and shots and I forgot to get their info sheet with their height and weight. I think they are both 20 lbs. Going to the doctor with both of them is not easy so as soon as they give the girls their shots they start screaming so the nurse tries to get me out of there as quickly as she can at that point so the sheets got left behind.

Usually when I go to work the girls will give me hugs and kisses and wave goodbye to me. Sunday when I was leaving I told Kaylie I love her and she gave me a big kiss (with her kiss sound effects) and very clearly said "I Love You". Even the babysitter was surprised when she heard it. They are growing up so fast. I am a very proud mother. They are sweet little girls and I absolutely love the stage they are in right now. I love that I get responses when I say things to them. They are wide open. Now they are at a stage where Kaylie wants to please you and do what you ask (sometimes) , sit in your lap, and give you lots of hugs and kisses. Taylor is at a stage where she wants to do what she wants to do. And if you want her to do it she probably won't. Although sometimes I ask her to give me a kiss and a hug and she will think about it and finally do it. Other than that she is always on a mission to do something whether it is climbing furniture, trying to race to the top of the stairs before I see her, trying on shoes, getting the mustard bottle out of the refrigerator door, getting a brush to do her hair, etc. She gets it in her mind that she wants to do something and she has a one track mind until she gets it. And if it is something she can't do by herself she will say "Uhhhhh...Uhhh...Uhhhh" over and over again until you help her. She also constantly is still saying "Up, please" and "Quack, Quack" when she sees a duck in her books. Kaylie likes the cow and to say "Moo". Books are still the big hit around the house.

The girls like to say "Shhh" and Kaylie often tells that to the dogs and points her finger at them. She also does it to Roxy when Roxy tries to eat her snacks. It has been sad not having Marley around. Roxy and Sydney have started barking all the time at every little noise they hear. I think they used to use Marley as a guide for when they needed to bark and when they didn't need to and so now with her gone they bark constantly.

I will post photos tonight or tomorrow if all goes well. Thanks for following.