OLDER PHOTOS BELOW...some I never got around to posting

This is by far my favorite age for the girls so far. Their vocabulary amazes me. They are starting to say 2 and 3 word phrases and popular words are "All Gone", "Up please", "Down", "I Love You", "Sissy", "No", "Fish", "Dog", "Quack", "Moo", "Book", "Mama", "Daddy". They talk all the time. A good bit is baby babble which I adore. Kaylie comes right up to me and looks me right in the eyes and just talks and talks and talks. And she is so serious about it. I usually say "Yes" and she agrees with me and then walks off. I would love to know what she is thinking or trying to communicate. They can repeat words you say exactly.
The other day Kaylie walked up to me so seriously. She was just staring at me and I was wondering what in the world she was doing. She seemed to be concentrating really hard. Then she leaned in and kissed me. Very sweet.
The girls are very girlie. I have no idea where they get it because all I have time to do is hop out of the shower and go. They on the other hand like to walk around with their purses, talk on the phone, brush their hair, and try on shoes. They can get shoes on by themselves sometimes. And Kaylie.....it is unbelieveable to me but she is picky about what clothes she wears. If you put her in an outfit she doesn't like she will let you know. She will pitch a fit and try to take the clothes off. She definitely has an opinion about what she wears....at one and a half!
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