Monday, August 2, 2010

"I Love You" A Year and a Half Old

So I haven't blogged in a while because I am just trying to keep my head above water these days. My summer schedule is torture. Last night I was editing photos until after 3 am. It is never ending. I haven't gotten to spend much time with the girls or with Neale which needs to change. I miss them.

The girls turned 1 and 1/2 ( it was over a week ago but I am trying to keep up). They went to the doctor for their check up and shots and I forgot to get their info sheet with their height and weight. I think they are both 20 lbs. Going to the doctor with both of them is not easy so as soon as they give the girls their shots they start screaming so the nurse tries to get me out of there as quickly as she can at that point so the sheets got left behind.

Usually when I go to work the girls will give me hugs and kisses and wave goodbye to me. Sunday when I was leaving I told Kaylie I love her and she gave me a big kiss (with her kiss sound effects) and very clearly said "I Love You". Even the babysitter was surprised when she heard it. They are growing up so fast. I am a very proud mother. They are sweet little girls and I absolutely love the stage they are in right now. I love that I get responses when I say things to them. They are wide open. Now they are at a stage where Kaylie wants to please you and do what you ask (sometimes) , sit in your lap, and give you lots of hugs and kisses. Taylor is at a stage where she wants to do what she wants to do. And if you want her to do it she probably won't. Although sometimes I ask her to give me a kiss and a hug and she will think about it and finally do it. Other than that she is always on a mission to do something whether it is climbing furniture, trying to race to the top of the stairs before I see her, trying on shoes, getting the mustard bottle out of the refrigerator door, getting a brush to do her hair, etc. She gets it in her mind that she wants to do something and she has a one track mind until she gets it. And if it is something she can't do by herself she will say "Uhhhhh...Uhhh...Uhhhh" over and over again until you help her. She also constantly is still saying "Up, please" and "Quack, Quack" when she sees a duck in her books. Kaylie likes the cow and to say "Moo". Books are still the big hit around the house.

The girls like to say "Shhh" and Kaylie often tells that to the dogs and points her finger at them. She also does it to Roxy when Roxy tries to eat her snacks. It has been sad not having Marley around. Roxy and Sydney have started barking all the time at every little noise they hear. I think they used to use Marley as a guide for when they needed to bark and when they didn't need to and so now with her gone they bark constantly.

I will post photos tonight or tomorrow if all goes well. Thanks for following.

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