I can't believe how much the girls have changed this year. Taylor is so talkative. She asks non-stop questions. Lately she is very well behaved and loves to hug and snuggle. She is very concerned about her sister. She will get stuff for her and the other night when they were in bed I heard her say, "Are you okay Kaylie?" She does great with going on the potty. I need to get her into a gymnastics class because she is constantly tumbling. Last night she was doing backflips off her chair.
Kaylie does great when she is rested and she has major meltdowns if she doesn't get a nap. She is definitely more of a handful right now than Taylor. I bought her The Little Mermaid for the car ride to Edisto and she is obsessed with Ariel now. She has always had the Ariel doll but was never really interested in it but now Ariel has new meaning and she is all about her. She sleeps with the Ariel doll, wears Ariel pajamas, and asks to watch The Little Mermaid at least 5 times a day. Kaylie is giggly and sweet as can be when she has had sleep. She likes to pose for photos.
When I tell the girls to do something they have started saying "No, you don't tell me." I explained to them that I DO tell them because I am the boss. Neale told them to do something and they said "No, you don't tell me." Neale told them he does and he is the boss and they said "No, mommy is the boss." Haha...we are working on their listening and obeying right now.
Taylor recently told me "Kaylie is a mine-o-saur" (which means she says all the toys are "mine"). She also said "Kaylie is a crybaby."
There are so many funny things the girls have said. I should have written them down but if I can remember them I will write about them later..but for now I gotta go back to work.