Kaylie is full of energy. She is quite the talker these days. She is non-stop constantly going whether it is dressing up, singing, talking, running, or squealing with excitement. The other day I picked the girls up from daycare and Kaylie said,"Mommy, I love you and you love me. You are both mommies. You are my mommy and you are Taylor's mommy."
Kaylie always tells me there is an alligator on the ceiling in the corner of her room. She asks me if he is going to get her.
I was tucking the girls into bed and Kaylie said (just like she was ordering from a menu),"I want a hug and a kiss and a 'I love you' and a 'Have sweet dreams'."
Kaylie told me,"Mama you are a good girl. I am so proud of you. You will always be my baby."
Taylor's favorite song is "Jesus Loves Me". Kaylie sings it and then tells me as she nods her head,"Jesus is SO STRONG mama. He is SO STRONG."
Kaylie is into dressing up. She has to pick everything out herself and if you pick something out for her she will absolutely not wear it. Taylor is into shoes. She could spend all day putting on my shoes. She gets them out of my closet and wears them all over the house.
Neale talks in his sleep and so do both girls. Last night I went into the girls room to check on them and Taylor was said,"I want to put on the other pair of shoes." She is so obsessed with shoes that she is even dreaming about them!
Both girls are potty trained except they wear Pull-ups to bed at night. After Kaylie went to the bathroom Taylor told her,"YAY! I am so proud of you!"
The girls are as opposite as could be. We took the girls to Octoberfest last weekend. They got their faces painted and jumped in the bouncy castles. Taylor held her head down the whole time the lady tried to paint he face. Kaylie had her head held back and thought she was a princess! Even a stranger at the festival said that just by watching them there she could tell that Kaylie was wide open and Taylor is laid back. They are opposites but they are both the sweetest, most loving little girls. I am so blessed!