Our girls had their first gymnastics show. They loved doing it and when it was over they asked me when they could do another one. They started taking gymnastics when they were 2 so this was their first class season. When they first started the class they wouldn't let go of my legs to go into the class and they would cry. They have come a long way! All of the kids did their routines quietly. During one of Kaylie's she was talking away to the lady spotting her. It was hilarious. There was a crowd watching her and I have no idea what she was saying but she just kept talking. She will start talking about something and she can go on and on. We were leaving and Kaylie's coach said. "They have come a long way. And this one (pointing to Kaylie).....she was about to climb the rope and I said,'Lets go Kaylie.' and she said,'I am not Kaylie. I am Cinderella.' " So far she has told him, the waitress, the lady at home depot, and her teachers that. She says it to me all the time too. Every time I call her by her name she corrects me. She also tells me that Taylor is Snow White or Ariel, I am The Princess and the Frog, and Daddy is the Prince. She will say,"Mommy I have to go talk to the Prince." This age is so funny. Kaylie has dressed as Cinderella almost every day for the last 6 months or so. The first thing she does when she gets home from school is to put on her costume and her crown. Taylor has started dressing up as Ariel too. Taylor is excited about playing with her friends. She has recently started asking me if people in her class can come over to her house. The girls are going to move up to a new class at schoon June 1st. They are just growing way too quickly!
Taylor likes to read to me. She will say,"Okay Mommy. I am going to read to you about God." She is very inquisitive and asks me "Why?" all the time. She will say,"Mommy, why does God make it rain?" I told her it is because all of the animals need water to drink and the grass needs water to grow. Taylor is definitely the quieter, more easy going child. Kaylie has been having a few "Terrible 3's" weeks. We are trying to work through them and let her know that although she thinks she is a princess (and she is definitely one of my princesses) she can't always get her way. She is a very high strung but also a very sweet and sensitive child. There are points where she will just burst unto tears and her bottom lip will come out if you hurt her feelings. Those moments break my heart. The other day Talor said to me,"Mommy why do you love Kaylie more than me?" THAT BROKE MY HEART! Kaylie requires more guidance, instruction, and discipline than Taylor does and I guess Taylor is reading that in a different way. Believe me I love both of those girls equally and more than anything in the world. I am glad she said that to me though because now I realize that I need to work harder to show her just how much I love her.