We celebrated our first Mothers Day by going to lunch with Neale and the girls and then to dinner with Neale, the girls and with my mother. We tried to make some hand and footprint sets in plaster and that did not work out too well. The girls did not like it and we finally gave up. My mom just went back home to enjoy retirement and we will miss her. Neale's mom is here for 2 weeks and then the girls go to daycare.

The girls are really changing! Taylor is the happiest baby on the planet. She smiles and giggles and loves to imitate me. Kaylie can imitate me by waving her hand which is pretty impressive. The have slept through the night 5 or 6 times. Nights are definitely getting much easier. Kaylie is a little happier and less fussy lately. She smiles a little more. The girls are so much fun. We are loving every minute with them. It is so rewarding to have them respond to you. They are starting to show a little jealousy. If I talk to one baby, the other one will sometimes cry until I acknowledge them too. Taylor is finally getting hair growing back in on the top of her head and Kaylie is losing the hair on the top of her head. So far all hair that has come back in on both babies is still red.
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