No more eggs!
The girls had a wonderful 1st birthday. We had all the grandparents and my brother and Kelley here and invited some of our friends and their children over for the celebration. The girls had a good time and got tons of fabulous new toys. The morning started by my parents and myself taking the girls to the studio to take photos of the girls eating their first birthday cake. I had all these plans of having balloons and party hats but by the time I got the girls up, bathed, fed and dressed they were exhausted and ready for naps (and maybe I was too!). So we rushed to the studio and just got what we could. It is not easy being the mom and the photographer...especially with 2....really not easy.
One of my great memories as a child was my mom making our birthday cakes. So I decided I would make a Strawberry Shortcake doll cake for the girls' first birthday. That was much harder than I thought it would be but it didn't turn out too bad. I also made cakes for the girls to eat at the studio. For those of you who know me well, that is more cooking than I have done all year! I eat from a box, a microwave bag or take out most of the time. I will have to work on that since the girls are now eating real food. We took them to a restaurant and they both started banging the table with their hands to tell us they were hungry and started pulling on our shirts! We had to order them their 1st kids meal.
Kaylie is into dancing. She does the Stevie Wonder sway back and forth and head bangs. It is hilarious to watch. Both of the girls love music. Taylor is allergic to eggs as you can tell from the photos above. Daycare said we have to give the girls milk and eggs unless we have a doctor's note so we tried it out at home and it didn't work out so well. The girls move into the 1-2 year old room Monday. I'm not quite sure how I feel about that yet so we will see how it goes. I will be taking them to daycare for now since Neale has resigned as a paralegal and is substitute teaching until he can find a permanent teaching position.
The girls have started having their little temper tantrums. Kaylie throws her head back and falls on the ground crying and Taylor throws her head forward and falls on the ground crying. They are still just about as opposite as they could be. I think Taylor does it because Kaylie does it.
The girls have started having their little temper tantrums. Kaylie throws her head back and falls on the ground crying and Taylor throws her head forward and falls on the ground crying. They are still just about as opposite as they could be. I think Taylor does it because Kaylie does it.
Tonight I took the girls on a walk in their new wagon that their daddy bought them for their birthday. They were exhausted from the big weekend.
Looking back at the past year I can honestly say it has been the happiest year of my life. I adore my children and have been amazed at how they have changed Neale, myself, and my outlook on life in general. Thanks to all of our friends and family for everything you have done for us. It has been amazing so far and we are looking forward to watching our precious babies grow up (although I would appreciate it if they would slow down a little..haha).
Looking back at the past year I can honestly say it has been the happiest year of my life. I adore my children and have been amazed at how they have changed Neale, myself, and my outlook on life in general. Thanks to all of our friends and family for everything you have done for us. It has been amazing so far and we are looking forward to watching our precious babies grow up (although I would appreciate it if they would slow down a little..haha).