I love singing into the microphone.

It has been a little crazy but my posting will be more regular again starting now. Christmas was crazy, then the girls were sick, then I was REALLY sick, and then I went to Nashville for a photography convention. I had a great time and learned a lot but I am beyond happy to be back home with my family. Home is definitely where my heart is! Kaylie is really starting to walk well. I picked her up from daycare yesterday and she walked a long way to get to me. I gave the girls their first bath together yesterday in the big bathtub. They had a good time playing with their toys and splashing water. Taylor was scared to splash the water but she really wanted to. She would slap her hand like she was about to splash the water and stop right before her hand hit the water. It was cute to watch. She was brave enough to do it by the end. Kaylie kept standing up and I would tell her "No, sit down" and she would listen to me every time. It is so amazing to have them understand me now. Before I always just kind of talked assuming that they really have no clue what I am saying but no it is really evident that they do. I put their jackets on them yesterday and took them outside to sit in the grass for a couple minutes. I feel like we never get out of the house so I thought they might like it but they didn't. They did not like the grass and they didn't really like wearing shoes either. They have to wear shoes now that they walk and they have never worn them before and they aren't quite sure how to move in them. So pretty much they just sat in the grass and cried so we went back inside. I am ready for some warm weather. Yesterday we were riding in the car and Kaylie started to get fussy so I made a funny noise by sticking out my tongue and blowing. Kaylie did it back to me so I did it back to her and then both Kaylie and Taylor did it back to me and we just went back and forth making noises at each other and laughing for about 10 minutes until we got home. I love that they respond it me. It is so rewarding...even if it is something as little as making funny noises at each other. Kaylie loves to give me hugs. She comes up to me and gives me a hug and puts her head on my shoulder. It is the sweetest thing. Neale did a fabulous job of keeping them while I was gone. George and Cissy were kind enough to come down and help him out. Taylor had a double ear infection and wasn't feeling so great. We are getting ready for their birthday party on the 23rd. It is hard to believe they are already going to be 1. I will post photos later tonight hopefully. I tried to last night but had some computer issues so photos will follow soon.
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