After just having appendicitis and having my appendix removed I have to tell you that I am very grateful to have the family and friends that I do. I am grateful for having a friend and a husband who insisted I go to the hospital, for my parents who dropped what they were doing and drove down to help, for friends in the photography business that stepped in and picked up the work that I could not do, and for my sweet babies who keep wanting to "kiss your boo-boo". I am feeling much better now! I am way behind on posting so I plan to post a bunch soon.
Kaylie and Taylor are doing great in their new classroom. I am going to be the Room Mom. My mom always volunteered when I was young and I want to do the same for my girls. I may put the girls in a gymnastics class. We are on the waiting list so we will see. Neale and I want them to be around more kids. I guess they interact with other kids at school but not much out of school so we are trying to change that.
Kaylie is all about dressing up, playing with my hair, wearing as many bows, headbands (on sideways), and crowns. She loves to watch tv. We never used to let her watch much and ever since The Little Mermaid she is hooked. Dora, Strawberry Shortcake, My Little Pony, Agent Oso and Barney are her favorites. She is a sweet little girl and she tells me,"I'm your sugarbear."
Taylor is cuddly. She sits on my lap and chats and asks a million questions when I do let Kaylie watch tv. She asks about where the sun went and is the sun going to come back up and when, etc. She is very inquisitive. The other day she told me in her baby voice, "I am wearing big girl panties. I am not a baby anymore. But I am YOUR baby." She definitely is and will always be that!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your appenditicitis, and so glad you're on the mend! Your girls are growing up FAST! They're beautiful!
Courtney Hicks