Friday, November 11, 2011

Photos Soon

Time is flying by and we have been so busy but hopefully I will have time to post more often soon. (After I get all my Christmas orders out!)

Since I am the room mom I put together a Halloween party for the girls' classroom. The kids painted pumkpins, we read Halloween stories, and they had a Halloween themed lunch with cupcakes. The kids had a great time. Halloween was freezing here! Kaylie was Cinderella and Taylor was Ariel. Kaylie is just like me and she is always cold. She is always telling me, "I don't want to be cold mommy." She ended up wearing a sweater under her costume. Taylor was so into trick or treating that she could have cared less how cold it was. She would go to every door and come back and say "More candy." She was on a mission. Of course Kaylie still doesn't like sweets so she was into getting the candy but not eating it.

I have two little divas. Every day when Kaylie gets home the first thing she does is put on a costume, a tiara, and dress shoes. Then she says,"I am so beautiful now." She will tell me to take her picture. Every time I turn around she has on another costume. It always has a crown or a headband, etc. with it. This morning we went out to breakfast and Kaylie wore a tiara. The waitress asked us if it was her birthday. Every morning Kaylie has to pick out her own outfit. She usually shows up to school in a dress or skirt with sunglasses and a headband or tiara. She makes quite the fashion statement. Taylor is just into shoes and she likes to have her fingernails painted.

Kaylie is still all over the place and hyper and Taylor is still laid back. They are opposite in just about every way. Taylor is very concerned about her sister. She will get a juice box and say, "I need to get one for my sister." They were watching "Sleeping Booty" (Beauty) and it scared them. Taylor said "That witch is not going to get my sister."

The girls went to a birthday party on a pirate boat in the Inlet and had a big time. They got their faces painted and got to squirt the pirate on another boat with water cannons. They got treasure (rings and coins) which Taylor was thrilled about. She left a ring in the bathroom and had a meltdown because " I lost my treasure".

The other night I got home from work and Taylor came and sat on my lap and started talking.....and kept talking for 30 minutes nonstop. Taylor is usually quiet so it was unusual. I mean she didn't take a breath. She was telling me about her day, her teachers, a movie she watched at school where they cut off the princesses' hair, etc. Finally Kaylie held her finger up to her mouth and said ,"Shh! Taylor be quiet. Shh!"

When Kaylie is being bad I give her until the count of 3 to do what I have asked. Now when she knows I am getting frustrated she looks at me very seriously and says,"Don't count."

Today during nap the girls were being loud, doing backflips off their beds, and both jumping in Taylor's bed. I could see and hear them on the monitor. I yelled upstairs for them to be quiet and go to bed. Taylor told Kaylie,"Be quiet so mommy can watch her football game."

Neale and I went on our annual trip to Key West with all of our "Parrothead" friends. Jimmy Buffett showed up and played. We had a great time and I had computer issues so I actually hardly worked for 5 days straight (now I am suffering for that and way behind but it was nice)! His mom and Dale were kind enough to stay with the girls which we appreciate! I know the girls had a great time with them and they ended up with new books, clothes, shoes, etc. that are a huge hit.

A couple weeks ago my parents were in town and my dad tried to get the girls to say "Go Tigers". Kaylie said,"No granddad. It is 'Go Gamecocks'. You need to go to timeout."

I will post photos soon.

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