It was great to have all of our families here for Christmas. This is the first year the girls really understood Santa so they were really excited. We put food out for the reindeer and left cookies and milk for Santa. The girls woke up went downstairs to see what Santa brought them. Taylor told me that she didn't ask Santa for a car and she did not want it. Apparently Santa is only allowed to bring exactly what is on her list. The girls did have a big time opening their presents. Taylor went back and forth on what she wanted from Santa. At first it was a tiger, then a hippo, then a dinosaur, then back to a hippo, etc. Well the final answer was the hippo and Santa did bring her that. Then she said to me in her little baby voice as she looked around at all of her presents,"Mama, did Santa bring me my tiger and my dinosaur?" (My heart sank) I said,"I don't know, baby. I don't see them."She had the saddest look on her face and she just said,"Oh." and sat in silence for a minute. I shouldn't have felt bad because they got more presents than any child needs but it still broke my heart. Santa will have to pay more attention next year! The girls got a car for Christmas. Taylor is actually a very cautious driver and she is actually really good at it. Kaylie - well she is much more concerned about how she looks in the car. She runs all over the place and flips her hair around. The girls dress themselves these days which is evident if you look at the photos.
I was in charge of the party for the girl's class at school. We read books, danced, anddecorated cupcakes. I think the kids had a great time. Taylor ate half of her cupcake before we even started decorating and Kaylie dumped everything she could on hers so it wasn't even edible.
Taylor has developed a major southern accent. It came out of nowhere and it is hilarious. Here are some bits and pieces of some conversations between me and the girls.
Kaylie (while waving her hands in the air while she talks)- "Mama, Santa ate all of our cookies! Why did he eat all of our cookies all gone?Santa is not nice."
Taylor was talking on her phone she got from Jeff and Kelley for Christmas.
Me - "Who are you talking to?"
Taylor - "Cinderella"
Me - "Oh, what did she say?"
Taylor - "She said her stepsisters BROKED her dress....her pretty pink dress."
Kaylie got mad at Taylor the other day and told her,"You are not my sister!"
The girls have started taking "M-nastics" (gymnastics). They seem to really enjoy it after they get there but getting them dressed and there is another story...I will probably have gray hair before long.
All is great here and we have the girls' 3rd birthday coming up in just a couple weeks! Time is flying by and I am enjoying every mintue with the girls.
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