These photos are from 1-31-09. We put the babies together for the photo because they have been separated since birth in their isolets. I went up to the hospital for their 9am feeding and they are doing well. The nurse hopes to have them out of the isolets and in the room with the other babies (even thought there are rarely any other babies there) by tomorrow. It just depends how they do with maintaining their body temperature. I am not sure how much longer they will have to be there. They have to be able to maintain their body temperatures by themselves outside of the isolet, gain a little more weight, and Kaylie has to be able to keep her monitors from going off. The nurse said her heart monitor went off 2 days ago but she was able to correct the problem on her own. They are starting to eat a little better. Kaylie seems to eat better than Taylor but they are both doing pretty well.
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