The girls are 8 months old! Time is flying by....way too quickly. Taylor has an ear infection and Kaylie has a sinus infection. But as you can see by these photos that were taken today..they are doing just fine. Taylor weighs 16.4 lbs and Kaylie is 15.4 lbs...I believe is what the doctor said. Kaylie can "scoot". She made it all the way across the bed to me several times as I was taking these photos. Things couldn't be better.




The tongue is back...or did it ever leave?


I had an idea long before I had the girls that when I did have kids I would take a photo of them every month on their "birthday" throughout their life and then put them all together as they get older to see how they changed each month. So the below photos are my first attempt at this. Hopefully I will stick with it because I think it would be pretty cool to look back on one day.....
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