The girls are definitely getting harder to keep up with but they are also lots of fun. They are all over the place and full of energy. They fight with each other all the time. They pull hair, pull the other one down to the ground, get jealous of each other and cry.....BUT they also giggle at each other and love each other to death. I put them in the Pack and Play while I shower and get ready in the morning and a couple days ago I got out of the shower and they were standing up hugging and trying to kiss each other (but they haven't learned how to kiss exactly so they have their mouths open as wide as possible) and giggling at each other. It was precious and I didn't have my camera. I did catch a kissing photo above today but they were in my lap when they were kissing so it isn't such a great photo. They are usually REALLY happy. They dance and love music. Kaylie is really hyper. She jumps up and down and is so funny to watch dance. If there is music - she is dancing. She got a play horse for Christmas and has just now decided she likes it. She gets on it all by herself and bounces up and down and laughs. Of course...they do have their tantrums....for some reason Kaylie throws her head backwards to the ground and Taylor throws herself forward to the ground. I try to ignore them when they do it but sometimes it is hard to do. They do it if I take too long to get their food, when I leave Taylor at daycare, if I pay too much attention to one of them or if one is in my lap and not the other.....etc. But they are also very sweet girls. They love to give hugs and kisses. Every day is a new adventure and Neale and I are enjoying every minute of it.
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