Where is Daddy?

One of my childhood friends lost her 10 month old baby, Maia, yesterday to HLHS, a congenital heart syndrome. I followed her blog http://charlestondeebs.wordpress.com/ daily and got to meet and photograph Maia earlier this year. I posted some of the photos on my work website blog http://www.karastovallphotography.com/. Our thoughts and prayers go out to their family. I can't imagine being in that situation which leads me to the title of this blog "We Are Blessed". I have been blessed since the day I was born. I was lucky enough to be placed with 2 amazing parents, lucky enough to find a husband who is also my best friend and who I really do love more each day, and blessed to have 2 daughters that are quite frankly......... just AMAZING. Every day with Kaylie and Taylor is a new adventure and every day they do something that reminds me how incredible they are and how blessed I am.
Tonight after work we went to the beach. I figured out how to get Kaylie to smile when taking her photo. I have to play the "I am going to get ya" game with her. She looks at me and smiles and then runs away from me stopping to look back at me and give me an adorable little giggle. Taylor....well she was more interested in eating the sand and every seashell or anything else she could find on the beach. Neale was surfing and I would ask the girls "Where is Daddy?" and they would point to him out in the ocean. The girls are able to communicate well. They understand me and they answer me....sometimes with words I don't understand, rarely with words I do understand, by shaking their heads, or pointing. They are precious, they are kind, they are loving (and give me hugs and kisses every day), and they are silly. We are so blessed to have them in our lives.