My girls are so funny! They have some wonderful personalities. Kaylie started dancing tonight and I still haven't caught it on video but I have to!! She sticks her arms out and bends her knees, sticks out her behind, and bounces up and down and gets as low to the ground as she can. It is a sight to see! It cracks Neale and I up. The girls understand most of what we say to them. I say things that I think there is no way they will understand but they do. It amazes me. You tell them to put things back, to pick up, sit on their bottom, give that to sissy, share, etc. and they do it. I ask them if they want to go take a bath and they shake their heads yes and walk to the stairs. I ask them questions and they shake their head no and they actually are answering me. We had a good trip to Greenville. I worked but the girls got to see their Grandparents. This trip I invested in some dvd players for the car!! Worth every penny......
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