Taylor getting kisses from Marley

I remember when I was little my friend Laura and I would sit in out bathing suits in her parents bathtub with bubbles and make fun of this Calgon commercial. The commercial had a woman in a bubble bath and she was so stressed out that she would dramatically say "Calgon take me away". We thought is was hilarious and would say it over and over. I was taking a shower tonight to get the sand of my feet from my beach shoot and that popped into my head and made me laugh. That is kind of how I feel here lately. Despite referring away over 50 photo sessions in the last 3 weeks...I am still slammed. Saturday I had 2 weddings back to back from 8 am until after 11 pm. I think maybe I just like to torture myself. I just keep reminding myself that I am blessed to have this problem. BUT...I do miss my girls and my husband. So I am hoping to catch up sometime in the near future so I can spend some time with them.
I haven't written for a while so I didn't get a chance to tell Neale, Dad, George, Dale, and all the other fathers out there Happy Father's Day!!!
We are very sad that Aunt Nancy passed away. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her children.
Neale and I got a black lab puppy together 11 years ago. Her name is Marley. She has been having some problems getting around in the past month. Sunday she lost all ability to move, stand, and walk due to losing control and feeling over the front part of her body and her right leg. We took her to the vet and the vet thinks she has bone cancer which has also spread to her lungs, arthritis in her back that is the worst the vet has ever seen and so bad that her back legs should not be able to move (which the problem is now her front legs not her back so the vet doesn't know how that is possible), and she has nerve damage. The doctor was amazed because Marley has all these problems yet none of them of she has shown any signs of except the nerve damage which is what is preventing her from standing and walking. So we had a bad couple of days. The vet gave her some medicine and with the medicine and some prayers Marley was able to stand again today!!! So we are very hopeful that she will recover.
Neale got a job which we are very excited about. Jobs are hard to come by in this area unless you are in the service industry. He started this week so hopefully he will like it.
Grandma and Grandpa Stovall got the girls a new book which they love. It asks them where their nose, ears, etc. are and they want me to read it to them over and over again. As a matter of fact they have fought over it so much that they have torn out 3 of the flip up pages. There is one part where it asks where Blueberry the Bunny is and it has a photo of the flower. I read it to them and say "That is not Blueberry." and the girls both shake their heads "NO" before I can even get the words out. Taylor LOVES to shake her head no. Even if she means yes she just likes to say no. Kaylie learned how to shake her head yes for the first time this week. It looked a little bit like she was headbanging but it was cute.
We are hoping to find some time for haircuts this coming weekend!