The Water System had a beautiful reception in my father's honor for his retirement (he retires at the end of the year). They named the "L.B. Stovall Water Treatment Plant" after him and announced it at the reception. There is a nice sign when you enter the plant with his name on it but I wasn't able to get a photo of it because it was raining. Yes, even the water decided to show up for the party....it poured! At the reception they presented dad with numerous plaques/awards and he also received the SC Order of the Palmetto which is the highest civilian honor in the State of South Carolina (http://www.sciway.net/hist/sc-order-of-the-palmetto.html) One of the guys that got up to speak about dad called him a "walking encyclopedia" which is a pretty accurate description. The reception was lovely and there were lots of people there that had great things to say about Dad. We are very proud of him!
The girls are so talkative! We are having so much fun. I love this age. The girls are so sweet and loving.
Kaylie puts herself in time out on a regular basis. If I tell her she better stop or she will have to go to time out - off she goes! I must be doing something wrong here because she likes time out.
Kaylie hates dresses. She pitches a fit and tries to take off her clothes every time I put her in one. I pretty much had to hold her the whole time at my dad's retirement party because she would not stand up in her dress. Taylor on the other hand loves when you tell her she is beautiful. She throws her head back and moves it from side to side and opens her mouth as wide as she can. It cracks me up. So she will wear a dress and even sometimes a hairbow if you tell her she is beautiful or pretty with it on. She smiles when you tell her too. She loves to brush her hair and try on shoes.
I think Taylor might have inherited Neale's wacky sleep disorder. Some of you have probably heard me tell stories about how Neale will sit up and talk in his sleep . Well we were driving home fom Greenville this weekend and Taylor was talking in her sleep. What was she talking about? SHOES!!! The girl loves shoes.
I bought a sign language DVD for the car. I have seen the girls do "More" and "Please" in sign language. So I bought a DVD to help them learn some more sign language. They really like it. They repeat all the words they say on the DVD too. Hopefully they will pick up the sign language. Aunt Jannie will be so proud!
The photos above are the girls playing in their pool. Taylor thought she was hilarious dumping buckets of water on her head. She did it over and over and giggled every time.
Daycare said that Kaylie and Taylor would wake up from their naps and hold hands. They finally had to separate them because they would giggle and make a bunch of noise playing with each other when they woke up. That is pretty much what they do at home too. They wake up and talk to each other and giggle and sometimes jump around their beds.
Taylor loves her Nana! Every time the phone rings Taylor says "Nana" and when I get on the computer Taylor comes over and says "Nana" because she is used to us video talking to Nana and Granddad on Skype. And sometimes she just says "Nana" because she wants me to call her.
Nana, Granddad, Neale, and I took the girls to Chuck E. Cheese in Greenville. They really enjoyed playing on the slide and Neale and I played each other in basketball. Neale won two out of three in basketball. I am blaming it on the carpel tunnel and the fact that it was a game because I beat him every time in real basketball. He does beat me in air hockey most of the time though so I will give him that.
Everything is going great. The girls are all over the place and I love it. We are having a blast.