Curious Kaylie

Kaylie kissing Daddy

Taylor giving Kaylie a new hairdo

The girls are talking and repeating everything I say. Today I asked the girls "Can you say..." and said a bunch of words. When I first asked them I really thought they wouldn't even know what that meant. To my surprise they both repeated every word I said. Taylor said "Taylor" for the first time. They also said "Roxy", "Sydney", "Kaylie" "Nana", "Apple", "Banana" and a bunch of other words I threw out. They get excited when you tell them they do a good job. Their eyes light up and the get a huge smile on their faces. They also clap for themselves.
The girls have been getting lots of "time outs" lately. Kaylie takes it very seriously. She cries and gets so upset when she has a time out. And when you sit her down she will stay there until you tell her she can get up. She tries hard to obey the rules and to do the right thing. Taylor doesn't and it really bothers Kaylie. Kaylie will be sure to tell her when she is not doing the right thing. Kaylie will point her finger at her and babble at her. The new thing is "Not nice". If Sydney snaps at the girls they will shake their finger at her and say "Not nice". If one of the girls is misbehaving then her sister will shake her finger at her and say "Not Nice". I was fussing at Taylor the other day and she listened to me and apparently didn't think much of it because she then walked off and mumbled "Not nice." Kaylie likes to get right in Taylor's face when she is telling her what to do and point her finger at her. She tries to tell her what she is supposed to do. It is funny because Kaylie is usually right and trying to get Taylor to do something that I want her to. The new daycare says Kaylie is the "bossy one". Kaylie likes to please you. She helps me clean up and goes and gets things I ask her to. She is very helpful. The other day I said "Why don't you take those clothes and go put them back in the dirty clothes basket." I never thought she would understand that but down the hall she went with the clothes and in the basket they went. Taylor likes to do her own thing. She is into brushing her hair and if you take the brush away from her it is like the world has ended. Taylor doesn't think much of time out. She will get up and not follow the rules. But she has the CUTEST thing that she does when she is sorry for something. She will come up to me and hug me and lay her head sideways on my shoulder or my lap and wrap her arms around me. It is her way of saying she is sorry and it melts my heart.
It was sad leaving the old daycare but I love the new one so far. It is so nice taking them and picking them up every day. I feel like I know more about what is going on with them. The daycare teachers say the girls are "Daycare pros" and they haven't skipped a beat. They said they act like they have known the other kids in the room forever. She said the first day they took a nap on their cots which were side by side. She said they woke up and held hands.
I am loving every minute of being a mother.
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