Doing her modeling pose

My Sweet Taylor Loves To Hug
I know you said not to but I really wanna eat it!
I am on a mission

My hair is out of control when I take out my hairbow

Daddy and Kaylie
Mom has no idea what to do with my hair
And mom cut mine ...but it really isn't as crooked as it looks in this photo! Don't try this at home.
It's Potty Time!

And this is what happens when you brush Taylor's hair....

I once took Kaylie to get her bangs cut but I didn’t like the way it was done. The woman cut too many bangs. Well her bangs needed to be cut again. I knew it was a bad idea but I decided to do it myself. I once cut Neale’s hair about 8 years ago and it didn’t turn out too well. As Neale will tell you – I took a chunk of his hair out. So against my better judgment I decided that Kaylie’s hair was a mess and it needed to be cut right then. After all, I was about to take her to the beach to take some pictures. Let’s just say that cutting hair is not my thing.
I ask the girls to repeat words I say. It is a little game we play. Some responses come out perfectly. Taylor can say “Taylor” exactly. Kaylie calls Taylor “TT” which is what they used to call her at daycare. Kaylie calls herself "Kiki".
Kaylie has started singing her “ABC’s”. She has the first 3 letters pretty well and the rest she makes up. I sing it to her all the time and do sign language to the letters. Yesterday I was driving home singing it to them and Kaylie had her hand in the air and was making up her own sign language. She is so smart. You can ask her to do something with words you are sure she has never even heard of before and she does exactly what you want most of the time. It amazes me. The girls are very talkative. Taylor likes to say “Momma Dada”. Kaylie does things you ask her, answers questions with a yes or no, and follows the rules with time out. Taylor is just the opposite. You put her in time out and she just smiles at you and gets up. After every time out I tell the girls they need to come tell me they are sorry. They come over and give me a hug and lay their heads down on me. It is precious.
I bought the girls a toilet because potty training will be right around the corner. We tested it out for the first time last night. At first they just fought to see who could sit on it in their clothes. I took off their clothes and put them on the potty one at a time. Kaylie liked sitting there. Taylor sat there and actually went to the bathroom! I am sure it was probably by accident but I was impressed.
Happy Late Birthday to Grandma Fran! We love you very much. Thank you Aunt Cathy for the book you sent. We read it every night before bed.
I ask the girls to repeat words I say. It is a little game we play. Some responses come out perfectly. Taylor can say “Taylor” exactly. Kaylie calls Taylor “TT” which is what they used to call her at daycare. Kaylie calls herself "Kiki".
Kaylie has started singing her “ABC’s”. She has the first 3 letters pretty well and the rest she makes up. I sing it to her all the time and do sign language to the letters. Yesterday I was driving home singing it to them and Kaylie had her hand in the air and was making up her own sign language. She is so smart. You can ask her to do something with words you are sure she has never even heard of before and she does exactly what you want most of the time. It amazes me. The girls are very talkative. Taylor likes to say “Momma Dada”. Kaylie does things you ask her, answers questions with a yes or no, and follows the rules with time out. Taylor is just the opposite. You put her in time out and she just smiles at you and gets up. After every time out I tell the girls they need to come tell me they are sorry. They come over and give me a hug and lay their heads down on me. It is precious.
I bought the girls a toilet because potty training will be right around the corner. We tested it out for the first time last night. At first they just fought to see who could sit on it in their clothes. I took off their clothes and put them on the potty one at a time. Kaylie liked sitting there. Taylor sat there and actually went to the bathroom! I am sure it was probably by accident but I was impressed.
Happy Late Birthday to Grandma Fran! We love you very much. Thank you Aunt Cathy for the book you sent. We read it every night before bed.
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