My how time flies! I just turned a year older, Neale's birthday is in a few days, and it is almost Christmas! The girls are growing way too fast for me. I can't believe they will be 3 in January. They are getting so big and the things that come out of their mouths just amaze me. They are so funny and they just seem so grown up. It is amazing the things a two year old knows and can pick up on. AND...they are just so stinkin' cute! I could just sit and watch and listen to them all day long. I LOVE, LOVE my babies!
Kaylie is wide open. She is skinny as could be and it is because she can't sit still. She is full of energy. She still hasn't hit the 30 lb mark and she is almost 3. She talks and talks and wants to go, go , go. The only way to get her to calm down is to put a princess show on tv and then you can talk to her and she won't hear a word you say. She has become such a girlie girl. She insists on wearing "pretty dresses" every day. She has to have a pony tail and a headband or a crown. She wants chap stick or "lips" as she calls it. She is such a sweet child. If she accidentally runs into you or does something she immediately says "Well I am so sorry" and gives you a hug. She loves to snuggle and give hugs. Tonight she told me, "I love you, beautiful." She loves to dress up, read books, sing, dance, and watch cartoons.
Taylor is mellow and laid back most of the time. She does like for things to go her way and does get upset if you don't let her do everything by herself. She wants to open the doors, flush the toliet, let out the dogs, clean the house, etc. Many times she has gotten the mop out of the closet and dipped it in the dog's water bowl and mopped the kitchen. She loves to read and her favorite thing to read is Professional Photographer Magazine. She doesn't really care about dresses BUT she wears my shoes daily. I find them all over the house. She has become really attached to her blanket and it has to have the yellow side up. She also loves to cuddle and is as sweet as can be. She loves to sing "Jesus Loves Me" and "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer".
The girls are excited about Christmas! We went to see Santa. Kaylie had the biggest smile and most excited look on her face when we got up to Santa. You could see the magic of Christmas in her eyes. Then..... Taylor started screaming so Kaylie started screaming. Neale and I had to hop into the Christmas photo or there was no way they were going to sit there with him. We prepped for it by telling them how nice Santa was and that they needed to tell him what they wanted for Christmas. They were so excited but they just got scared. Then after the whole screaming incident we walked off and Kaylie told me that we couldn't leave because she forgot to tell Santa what she wanted. She asked me to go back and tell him for her. So I went back and told him that she wanted an elephant. He said okay and we started to go. Poor Kaylie started balling her eyes out. She thought she was going to get the elephant right then. Oops. Kaylie wants an elephant for Christmas and Taylor wants a hippo. Taylor did want a tiger but I managed to steer her away from that. And...they wanted the real thing. I explained to them that real animals bite so they quickly changed their minds and decided stuffed animals would do just fine. We wrote letters to Santa. The girls helped me hold the pen and write a letter to him and they told me what to say. The girls had a Christmas show at school. The teacher said during practice that Taylor sang louder than anyone else but during the actual performance everyone kind of froze and just smiled but it was still precious.
Now that busy season is coming to an end, I hope to post much more often. The girls have said and done so many cute things but since I haven't written them down I have forgotten them all so I plan to post more often.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!