I woke up Saturday morning and looked at the monitor and the girls were awake but staying in their beds. I was so impressed and was thinking that the big girl beds were going so smoothly. Then I went to their bedroom and the door was shut and locked! It isn't the kind of door that you can stick a nail in to unlock so we had to take off the doorknob. The girls were calm while waiting. Taylor even told me "I locked the door." I guess she was proud.
This afternoon I came home after working most of the weekend and I was exhausted and on the couch (which is unusual for me). The girls came over and gave me hugs and kisses and told me they were going to work. They said " I Love you, I Love you Roxy, I love You Sydney." They told me bye and waved and took off down the hallway (Taylor was pushing her stroller). They came back and said "I missed you!" and gave me more hugs and kisses. They did this about 20 times.
Taylor's new thing is to scream "Mom!" every time she wants my attention. I have always been "Mama" but now to Taylor I am "Mom". She says it over and over....
I taught the girls a game I remember doing when I was little. They sit on my lap and I hold my hand out. I tell them to flush the toliet and they push my hand and then I move my legs so they fall through to a pile of pillows. They thought it was pretty cool and had a big time!