Thursday, March 24, 2011

I love by Dora Big Wheel! I can't pedal it yet but I love to push it around.
Kaylie tickling and hugging mama's legs

Kaylie likes to lift her feet and fly down the driveway...just like I did when I was little!

The girls flip flop in who is the laid back one and the high maintenance one. When they were born Kaylie was high maintenance and Taylor was laid back. Then Taylor became stubborn and Kaylie was laid back. Now Taylor is laid back and Kaylie has most of the meltdowns. At least they usually take turns so I don't get double trouble at the same time. When one is having a meltdown the other one will usually try to help by getting them their juice or their stuffed animal, etc. And if that doesn't work then Taylor just tells Kaylie "Shh! Stop it! That's enough."

I am in my big girl bed

Tickling Sissy

Kaylie's sweet but mischievous look

My laid back happy girl

The girls are doing great in their "big girl" beds (which is the crib without a rail on one side). So far they stay in their beds and usually go right to sleep. They will each ask for a hug and a kiss about 20 times but I don't mind that at all. I have such good little girls (most of the time).

A few days ago I was driving the girls to daycare. They have pulled the sun shields off the windows. Taylor likes to wave at the sky and say "Hi Birds", etc. and this time she was waving at the sky saying "Hi Moon". I told her I thought she could probably see the sun and wave to it but not the moon. Well then I felt bad because both girls were staring at the sun so I said "Don't look right at the sun because it will hurt your eyes". OH BOY!!!! They started crying and were scared to death. The whole rest of the way to daycare they were saying "Sun Get Chu" "Sun Hurt Your Eyes" "Mama!". What I thought was a simple statement traumatized them! I had to carry Kaylie into daycare and she held onto me as tight as she could. They just kept saying "Sun Get Chu". They talked about it when we got in daycare. They talked about it when we were leaving daycare that afternoon. They got to the door to go outside and started "Sun Get Chu" and crying again. And they have talked about it ever since. Kaylie says "Sun, I no like it." Oops!

Their "likes" these days - "Pretty" dresses, hair bows, Goofy, Pooh, Mickey Mouse, Pluto, Dora, coloring, riding big wheels, being outside, Apple Jacks, Milk, Birds, Music, Dancing, Paddy Cake, and doing everything by themselves

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