The girls are at such a fun age. They laugh and smile and giggle! Kaylie makes this really funny noise and if I do it back to her she will do it back to me and it just amazes me. It is so rewarding to get responses from them. Kaylie cries when you walk away from her. She likes to be held. She can roll over and lay on her stomach and lift her head. She loves eating cereal and really loves baby banana food. She will grab your hand and push it to her face and let you know if you are taking too long to get it in her mouth. She loves for me to hold her so she can stand up. I think she may be getting some teeth. Taylor is still the happiest baby on the planet. She is starting to like baby banana food but isn't too good at eating it yet. She isn't as mobile as Kaylie yet either. She hates tummy time and can't quite roll over. BUT... the girl can smile and giggle all day long! We went to the beach on July 4th. The girls were under a tent in the shade the entire time but they got a little sunburned. Kaylie had a pacifier burn! Where her pacifier was was white as could be and then she had a sunburn all around it. Luckily it wasn't too bad of a burn and it didn't bother the girls. I did put sunscreen on them but not on their faces since they were in the shade. Now I know.... The girls like to smile at each other, hold hands, and even have started baby talking to each other. They continue to amaze me. Neale and I are loving every minute with them and feel very blessed to have them.




Taylor and Daddy
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