I always knew Taylor was the most laid back baby ever........ she did this all on her own! We went to Greenville and had a great visit with Grandad and Nana Stovall, Jeff and my new sis, Kelley. Grandad took lots of photos. The girls still have stuffy noses. They had their first photos taken at daycare which of course I had to buy. I can't believe how much they are growing. Kaylie almost turns over. She turns circles in her bassinet at night. Taylor doesn't move an inch. It is a pretty safe bet she will be exactly how you left her. They baby talk alot and Kaylie now does this thing where she sticks her tongue out and makes a noise. Taylor is infatuated with tv. If you have her facing away from the tv she will turn her head as far as she can to see it. When the girls are laying next to each other they always hold each others hands. It is so sweet. We are still lovin ' every minute of it.


Photo of Kaylie by Grandad Stovall

She is trying to trick you with her tongue ...but this is actually Kaylie. Grandad Stovall took this one too


Kaylie and Taylor

Kari and the girls

This is what Kaylie does every time I kiss her.

The girls with their grandparents.

This is the face I wrote about previously that Taylor makes when she eats cereal. She is not a big fan of it....obviously. Photo by Grandad Stovall.
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