The girls completed their first week of daycare. They seems to have adjusted very well. The ladies at daycare say they are very good and happy babies. Neale and I both take them in the morning and I pick them up in the afternoon. Kaylie seems to like her pacifier, her teddy bear, and her blanket. She holds onto my hand when I put the pacifier in her mouth and then falls asleep. She rolls over to her side alot to sleep. Taylor is as happy and smiley as ever. Last night we all went out to dinner. Oh, how our Friday nights have changed! Kaylie slept the whole time and Taylor was awake some but very quiet and good. The girls are growing!! They have outgrown alot of their clothes and are almost out of size 1 diapers. I need to try to take some photos of them tomorrow in some of their dresses before they outgrow them!
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