The girls are fabulous! They went for their 9 month check up with the doctor. Taylor weighs 16.8lbs (10th %), 27 1/2 inches (50%). Kaylie weighs 15.5 lbs (5th %), 28 1/2 inches (75-90%). Kaylie is all over the place! Now that she knows how to stand up while holding onto something, that is all she wants to do. She crawls all over the house. You can't take your eyes off her for one second or she will take off and have a shoe or whatever she can find in her mouth. Saturday was the girls' 1st night in their cribs. Kaylie dove into Taylor's side of the bassinet head first and I caught her standing up in the bassinet so it was time to go to their own bedroom. Taylor is getting a wave in her hair. I am not sure if it is going to turn into curls or exactly what it is. She is in a phase where she is scared of everything. If the dogs bark, she cries. If I leave the room, she cries. When I put her to bed in the new room, she cries. The girls are getting much harder to keep up with but I love every minute of it.

Yes...we still fight over toys.

Adorable gift from Peggy.

Taylor is now getting her top teeth too!

Kaylie can almost stand without holding onto anything.



Kaylie's first night's sleep in her crib.

Taylor's first morning in her crib.
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