The girls are into everything! Kaylie can stand and even take a couple steps while holding onto something. Taylor is crawling on her hands and dragging her legs but she can get around. You can't take your eyes off of them. The girls celebrated their first Halloween down at Murrells Inlet's Marsh Walk. They are sleeping well in their bedroom. Taylor was really scared at first. She was also scared of the mobile over her bed so we removed that and she now goes to sleep usually without crying at all. She scares really easily. It is cute because her eyes get huge and she always looks at me to see how I react to things. She is still a little dancer. Kaylie is trying really hard to walk. That is all she wants to do. She is pulling up on anything she can find and has managed to take a couple steps while holding onto furniture. She is very dramatic and funny. I just adore them.

Taylor in her bunny costume.
The girls are sooo dang cute in those costumes!