Taylor is able to keep herself standing if you stand her up and she is so excited about it! Kaylie is still trying to walk. Taylor follows Kaylie around and if one of them is doing something, the other one wants to also. They want the same toys. If I am holding one of them, the other one wants me to hold them too.
There is a lot of jealousy, fighting and crying but there are also lots of adorable giggles. I had the hiccups yesterday and Taylor thought it was hilarious. Today Taylor was laughing at people dancing on tv. She is so happy and just smiles all the time. It is just the cutest thing ever.

I am standing (with help)!!

I am loving this!



Marley playing with Kaylie

Me with my little angels in my lap. They think I am their jungle gym.

Kaylie thinks it is fun to mess with Taylor but Taylor is not too fond of it.