Taylor 20.11lbs (10%), 30 inches (25%)
Kaylie 19.8 lbs (5%), 31 inches (50%)
Neale and I just celebrated our 5 year Anniversary. We have actually been together for over 11 years. We took the girls to Ripley's Aquarium and lunch at Margaritaville to celebrate. They were more interested in the moving sidewalk than the fish and sharks but we had a good time. The girls are everywhere. Taylor loves to climb stuff and if you take your eyes off her for 5 seconds she will have made it to the top of the stairs in our house and Kaylie is usually not too far behind her. Taylor does it because she loves to climb stuff and Kaylie does it because she knows she is not supposed to. If you tell Kaylie no she laughs. We have tried time out, counting to 3 (which sometimes works), etc. The girls just went for their 15 month check up and the girls were not behaving. The nurse recommended instead of constantly saying "NO" that we try to distract them with something else when they do something bad. It actually works most of time....and they are constantly doing things they aren't supposed to do (hitting, biting, getting into all the cabinets, playing in the dog's water bowl, climbing stairs, etc). So Neale and I are working on the distracting method. Wish us luck.....I think we need it.
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