The girls went with me to Greenville last weekend. I had a rehearsal dinner and wedding so they stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Stovall. The normally less than 4 hour ride took 6 hours.....the girls had Croop and cried almost the whole way there. It was rough but we had a good visit. The girls are better but still have a little cough. It is hard to believe the girls are almost 15 months old. Kaylie can't sit still. She is all over the place and seems so smart to me. She understands and responds to me. She has started dancing and it is the funniest thing ever. She sticks her little behind out and squats down with one arm out. My description can't do it justice but it is a sight to see. Tonight I came home from work and both girls ran to meet me the door and hugged me and Kaylie kissed me (without me asking them to) which was so sweet. Taylor likes to climb things, open and close things, and hold things. She still is very "baby like" where Kaylie seems like a little adult. Taylor is starting to rebel some and is very jealous of her sister. If you turn around she takes off up the stairs. She is still her giggly adorable self. Both girls are so sweet and happy and I couldn't be more proud of them.
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