We had a wonderful visit with Fran and Dale. They worked the entire time they were here. They watched and played with the babies, helped clean out the garage, got our sprinkler system working for us, put together the playhouse, etc. We are very grateful and appreciate it! The girls got a playhouse. Kaylie loves it and Taylor likes it but isn't quite sure about it yet. Today Kaylie was testing her boundaries. I kept telling her no she could not crawl up the stairs and she would do it and look at me to see how I was going to react. She is a stubborn one but my mom says that I was the exact same way. She told me when I was little I was supposed to apologize to my brother, Jeff, for something I did but I wouldn't. She said I kept saying "I not sorry". So she made me sit in one spot until I did and I refused so I eventually just fell asleep there. Ohh...I am going to have my hands full. I guess it is payback.
What great photos. Sounds like you all had a great week. And what a stellar playhouse!!!! Thanks for keeping us long distance fans up to date.