My mom came down for a week and my dad came for the weekend. They were a big help with the girls because I was working most of the time they were here. The girls definitely wore their Nana out. We appreciate all of their help. Mom did laundry and cooked and most importantly played with the girls which I was unable to do since I had to work. Kaylie had herpangina which is throat blisters and a 103 fever. She had a rough couple of days but is feeling better.
The girls are wide open. They get their little push toys and take off like wild women down the hall. They chase each other and giggle. Taylor has just started tackling Kaylie to give her kisses. Taylor plays hard. She climbs furniture and has no fear. Nana let them up on the furniture while she was here so now all they say is "Up" because they want to get up on the couches and chairs to be wild. We are constantly telling them to "Sit on your bottom". They still LOVE books. Tonight we read "Hugs" (Thanks Aunt Cathy!) over and over again. They tend to find one page they like a lot and turn the pages quickly to get there. The girls are beginning to like to color. The trick is keeping the crayons out of Taylor's mouth. Taylor still shakes her head No to everything. I ask them questions all the time and they shake their heads no to most things. I do notice that when I ask them "Do you love Mama?" they actually will stop shaking their heads no. They don't answer me with a yes on that but I don't get the big NO shake. They love shoes!! They try them on over and over. Sometimes they actually put them on themselves and if they can't get them on they will hand them to me and say "UH, UH, UH" until I put them on them. They got their own purses and pretend cell phones from Nana and Grandad. They put their purses on their arms and hold their hands straight up in the air so they don't fall off and walk around the house. I have photos so I will have to locate them and upload at some point. They are so full of personality.
Yesterday Taylor picked up her empty bowl and took a pencil she was "coloring with" (it wasn't sharpened) and started pretend mixing up something in the bowl. She then walked over to Marley and was "feeding" Marley her pretend food and using the pencil as a spoon. I think she must have been trying to make Marley better. Marley lost all movement again about a week ago. We have been to a couple vets and took her to Charleston to have a catscan. During the catscan her heart stopped but they were able to revive her. They first told us that they couldn't find what was wrong and we would have to put her to sleep. Then they called back to say they did find that she has a slipped disc in her neck and it may heal on its own in a couple weeks (surgery is not an option because she also has lung cancer and cancer in her front leg or legs). She has yet to recover so we will see how the rest of the week goes but we can not leave her as she is. She has been such a sweet and loyal dog to Neale and myself for almost 11 years. We love her very much.
Neale has been trying really hard at his new job. It is not an easy job to have or to keep but he is really making an effort to do well at it. I am just busy...too busy. Today my car died on me...it is just one of those times where not much goes right. Hopefully things will turn around.
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