Look at the monkey


Kaylie and Daddy

It has been busy here! The girls are full of energy and giggles these days. Today we went to the zoo for the first time. The girls were both quiet. I think they were amazed by all of the animals. Kaylie enjoyed it and Taylor was scared of all the animals. If you got her too close to them she would scream and cry "NO! NO! NO! NO!.......
Yesterday the girls got their hair cut. Kaylie sat in the chair all by herself and was a big girl. She seemed to enjoy it. Taylor sat on my lap and cried a bit. She settled down when they gave her a book to read but she wasn't a big fan of it. At the end though it was so cute because the hairstylist put her hair up in a fancy hairstyle and then turned her around to see herself in the mirror and Taylor's face just lit up! She got the shy little smile she gets. It was priceless.
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