Welcome to our website for our friends and family to see our baby girls, Taylor Cameron Chinn and Kaylie Rebecca Chinn. They were born January 23, 2009 and we are thrilled to have them as additions to our family.
Friday, January 28, 2011
"Sissy Did It"
"Uht...oh"....as my girls would say. This morning I got my first "Sissy Did It". I keep the girls in a pack in play while I get ready in the mornings because we are upstairs and it would be dangerous for them if I didn't. They watch cartoons and play. This morning I kept hearing Taylor say "Diaper" so I went over to see and just as I suspected, she was holding her diaper in her hand. I told her that she shouldn't do that and her response was "Sissy did it". And I can tell you by the mischevious look on Kaylie's face and her giggle that Taylor was telling the truth. Then not five minutes later I hear Kaylie say "Taylor Bite". I could tell by the look on Taylor's face that she just bit her sissy. I told her to tell her sissy she was sorry (they do that by giving each other a hug and kiss) and Kaylie started running from Taylor saying "NO!" and laughing. Taylor was so sweet. She kept saying "Sissy please kiss" but Kaylie wasn't having it. I think I might just have my hands full.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
We turned 2!!!

Yes....the house has been taken over by toys!

The girls had a great birthday! Kaylie was still a little sick from the croup the girls both had last week (and they got me sick too) so she was a little out of sorts but overall it went well. The girls have so many toys now that I think we could open a store. They got a swingset from the grandparents. It isn't set up yet but we are very excited about it and appreciate it! We enjoyed visiting with our family and friends. We missed my dad who was sick and unable to make it. He is retiring this week so we are very excited for him!
I can't believe my sweet babies are 2! I always say I just wish I could freeze them at this age for about 10 years because they are just so precious.
When the girls had to go home sick from daycare, Taylor got sent home first. Neale was taking her to the doctor so we left Kaylie at daycare (the two of them at the doctor is not easy). The whole ride home Taylor kept saying "Kiki!" I think she thought I forgot her sister. She was very concerned about it. Then I got called to go back to daycare. Kaylie was also sick and crying so hard she threw up. All she kept saying when I got her was "T!". I realized they have really never been apart. For two years (and 7 plus months in my belly) they have pretty much spent every minute together. They are best friends and have a bond that is so strong.
The girls are into dressing up. They like to wear hair bows and "pretty" things. Taylor has started telling me "Kaylie pretty".
They love presents! After they opened them all Kaylie signaled "More" in sign language and said "More presents."
I think the girls have found my weakness. They will ask for something and I tell them no. Then they look at me and smile and say "Please". I usually can't resist.
Tonight Kaylie was in bed and I could hear her on the monitor. She was singing a song. Every word in the song was "Gabby" but it was adorable.
The girls are learning to share. If Taylor is playing with something Kaylie will say "Next" which means that she is next. Sometimes the girls will give the toys they are playing with to each other. They are so sweet. Tonight Taylor told Kaylie she wanted a "Kiss". Kaylie resisted at first but finally gave in.
I am treasuring every minute with my sweet babies. I love them more than I could ever say.
Happy Birthday Kaylie and Taylor! We love you.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Busy 2 Year Olds

We are busy, busy these days! We do have our hands full. The girls are full of energy and pretty high maintenance. They like to be on mom and dad's lap at all times. When they get hurt they like to have their boo-boo's kissed. They even pretend they got hurt so they can get the kisses. They fight over toys and who gets to sit on the toliet, etc. but they also are learning to share and will at times go get toys for sissy and even say "sissy's turn".
They are learning to use the potty and go on it quite a bit. They are so proud of themselves when they go on the potty.
Tonight I had to go to the grocery store and both girls ran to the door because they knew I was going to leave. They both put both hands on the door and leaned into the door like they were holding it shut and said "NO!!"
We have some huge meltdown moments but most of the time we have some sweet loving babies who love to cuddle and give hugs and kisses.
We are looking forward to our birthday party this weekend and having family in town!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The girls will be 2 on the 23rd! It is amazing how time flies. The girls are very talkative. It is amazing how their vocabulary has grown over the last 2 months. They are so much fun! Lots of giggles, being silly, reading, dancing, and chatting....some terrible two moments too but mostly just lots of fun.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Christmas and Happy New Year
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