I really want to keep pulling sissy but I am so tired.
New Year's Eve Neale was the 12th year anniversary of when I met Neale and we started dating. And as Taylor has been walking around saying for the past two days "Mama, Dada, Happy". I have no idea where she got the phrase but it certainly is fitting. I would say our life is just about perfect.
Christmas was wonderful! We had the family in town and we appreciate everyone coming to our house to celebrate. Thanks for all the presents and the hard work everyone put in while they were here too.
Taylor and Kaylie REALLY got into opening presents or "pants" as they called them. Taylor would run to the tree and grab gifts and start opening. There was one present that was so big that no one thought she would go for it but she did and she pushed it with all her might to where she wanted it to be. A big hit for Kaylie is the dancing Dora doll. You turn that on and Kaylie starts dancing! Taylor loved pushing her baby stroller and shopping cart outside. She even got Kaylie in the wagon and pulled her around. I think I have heard her "Outside" request about a hundred times a day. She loves to go out and she doesn't want to come back in. The baby dolls, Penguin, books, and play guitar or "tar" as they call it were also huge hits. The girls got a photo album from Grandma and Grandpa Pettigrew with photos of the girls and the family in them. They have had a big time going through the album and naming everyone. The funniest thing is that Kaylie points to photos of herself and says "T" because she thinks it is Taylor and Taylor points to photos of herself and syas "Kiki" because she thinks it is Kaylie.
We went to a Mexican restaurant and George asked me if the girls could have chips and salsa. I said no because I didn't want them to eat any junk food (which really makes no sense because they were eating Chicken fingers for dinner). So we were all talking and noticed that Taylor had helped herself to the cips and dipped it in the salsa. She loved it! There was alot of triple dipping going on but that is all she ate. She wanted nothing to do with her dinner. She thought she was pretty hot stuff dipping her chip in the salsa. Very funny.
The girls had a Christmas program at daycare. Their teacher made them some red hats for the program and they wore them around for days.
Taylor loves cake and cupcakes and Kaylie doesn't like them. Kaylie doesn't like most sweet stuff.
Taylor is very shy when she meets people and turns her head away from them and hides behind her mom. Kaylie is more outgoing.
The girls like to do stuff all by themselves and if you try to help them they will pitch a fit....especially Taylor. She thinks she has to have her way all the time. When Taylor gets mad she hits or bites or kicks. She gets angry. We are working on that.
Popular words/phrases: "cookie", "boote" (book), "Hey", "Come On", "Sydney", "pants" (presents), "Mama, Dadda, Happy", "potty", "eat", "juice", "outside:, "Nana", "Grandma", "Grandpa", "Papa", "baby", "Minnie" (Kaylie's bunny), "Frog" (Taylor sleeps with), "all done", "uh-oh" and of course "No".
We hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Happy new year! Great photos and commentary.
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