We are busy, busy these days! We do have our hands full. The girls are full of energy and pretty high maintenance. They like to be on mom and dad's lap at all times. When they get hurt they like to have their boo-boo's kissed. They even pretend they got hurt so they can get the kisses. They fight over toys and who gets to sit on the toliet, etc. but they also are learning to share and will at times go get toys for sissy and even say "sissy's turn".
They are learning to use the potty and go on it quite a bit. They are so proud of themselves when they go on the potty.
Tonight I had to go to the grocery store and both girls ran to the door because they knew I was going to leave. They both put both hands on the door and leaned into the door like they were holding it shut and said "NO!!"
We have some huge meltdown moments but most of the time we have some sweet loving babies who love to cuddle and give hugs and kisses.
We are looking forward to our birthday party this weekend and having family in town!
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