Taylor pushing his daughter in the babydoll stroller
Neale and Buckles
The girls

Thurs. night there was a fundraiser for the daycare at Chik Fil A so we went. There were kids everywhere on the playground. The girls went up on the playset but they wouldn't go down the slide or go past where they could see me. They see to be much more calm, shy, and scared of things than the other kids. Of course they were younger than most of the other kids there. Friday night we had family night and acted like tourists. We went to Ripleys Aquarium. The girls loved seeing the fish and sharks. Then we took the girls on the Merry Go Round and a Car Ride at Broadway at the Beach and went to Margaritaville for dinner. Taylor especially loved the car ride. She always dives into my front seat and pretends to drive when I am putting Kaylie in her carseat so she was thrilled to get to drive her own car. Taylor took her toy from Chik Fil A and pretended it was a camera and took photos of the rides and Kaylie. She said "Me gonna take a picture." " Me take a picture of Kaylie." Looks like they are learning early!
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