Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Growing So Fast

At this age the girls change so quickly! They are wearing Dora and princess pull ups and working on potty training. They ask me if they can go to the potty quite a bit - especially Taylor. I think she is mostly excited about the fact the she gets to dump her little potty tray into the big potty and flush the toliet.

Naps are almost non-existant but they still have to stay in their rooms for about two hours. I will turn on the monitor and see the girls doing front flips out of their beds (onto pillows on the floor). Sometimes we will go to get them up from nap and every piece of folded clothes from both dressers will be in a huge pile on the floor. At night they girls will try to put off going to bed. They tell us to "Cubit" them which means to cover them up and then they say "other side" which means we have to turn the blanket over. Then they need hugs and kisses and want juice. Neale and I are pretty good about not giving in to multiple requests. We give hugs and kisses cover them up and then turn the blanket over once and then that is it. This morning when I woke up I heard Kaylie singing her little heart out on the monitor. I think it was a song she made up. They love to sing "You Are My Sunshine", "ABC's", "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Happy Birthday", etc. Last night when the girls went to bed they were singing a duet of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm".

The girls still prefer reading over anything else. Grandma Fran and Grandpa Dale just visited and brought some new books which the girls love. The girls will read the books to me and they have heard them so many times that they have the words memorized. Yesterday Kaylie was reading me a book of colors. She did exactly what I normally do. She would say " What color is this Mommy?" and I would answer her. She sould say " Good girl, Mommy." and turn the page to ask me about the next one. Fran bought them an ABC book and taught Kaylie several letters. She would say "K" is for Kaylie, "T" is for Taylor, "M" is for Mommy, etc. Then she would ask Kaylie where the letters were and Kaylie got them all correct. She has about 10 of the letters memorized.

The things they say are funny. Taylor told me ," Kaylie is a crybaby." If you ask them who is their best friend Taylor will say, "Kaylie is my best friend." and Kaylie will say, " Taylor is my best friend." Then they argue over it. Sometimes they tell me that they are going to work. I will ask them what they do at work and they will say "I take pictures of babies". And my favorite - when I go to work and come home I will say "I missed you!" And Kaylie will say " I missed you too, Mama!" or " I luge (love) you too!" Taylor just plants a big wet kiss on my lips!

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