I can't believe it is mid-December already! I haven't been blogging because I have Christmas picture deadlines gone mad!I am still getting orders for Christmas and last minute photo sessions and I am realizing I should have had a cutoff date! I told myself 2 weeks ago that I wasn't taking anymore sessions before Christmas and I know I have booked at least 10 since. My Christmas shopping time is going to be very limited. AND ....I am disappointed to say that I haven't even gotten a chance to take Christmas photos of my girls or design any albums like I wanted to. On a positive note, I am very blessed to be busy and I appreciate the business. 2 years of babies and no Christmas cards! That is something I am going to have to change next year!
The girls are more fun each day. Taylor and I were ready to go downstairs and Kaylie was down the hall so Taylor kept yelling "KIKI!!KIKI!!!KIKI!!!!" Taylor speaks Chinese fluently or at least that is what it sounds like when she reads her books. Occasionally I will hear "mama" or "dada" or "baby" but the rest sounds like Chinese. The girls are both very intent on telling me long sentences and very serious about it. They will repeat themselves and repeat themselves but I usually can't figure out what it is they want. Kaylie loves "Minnie" which is her bunny. She used to be able to say "Bunny" but now it is "Minnie". Kaylie's common phrases are "get it", "more please" and "come on". Taylor's favorite thing to say is "No". She also loves to "wash". She takes baby wipes or paper towels and cleans the floors or whatever she can find. Kaylie loves to dance and put on hats and shoes. She puts her shoes and socks on by herself every day. She tries to put on her pants too but both legs always end in one leg hole. Every morning when going to the car to go to daycare Taylor runs over to the wagon and gets in. She is hoping I will take her on a walk. We haven't been outside much because it has been freezing here! Kaylie learned how to get into and out of the pack and play by herself. She has NO FEAR. She will dive in and out of it head first. So it looks like it won't be long before we move to the big beds. I am not quite ready for that.
The girls are more fun each day. Taylor and I were ready to go downstairs and Kaylie was down the hall so Taylor kept yelling "KIKI!!KIKI!!!KIKI!!!!" Taylor speaks Chinese fluently or at least that is what it sounds like when she reads her books. Occasionally I will hear "mama" or "dada" or "baby" but the rest sounds like Chinese. The girls are both very intent on telling me long sentences and very serious about it. They will repeat themselves and repeat themselves but I usually can't figure out what it is they want. Kaylie loves "Minnie" which is her bunny. She used to be able to say "Bunny" but now it is "Minnie". Kaylie's common phrases are "get it", "more please" and "come on". Taylor's favorite thing to say is "No". She also loves to "wash". She takes baby wipes or paper towels and cleans the floors or whatever she can find. Kaylie loves to dance and put on hats and shoes. She puts her shoes and socks on by herself every day. She tries to put on her pants too but both legs always end in one leg hole. Every morning when going to the car to go to daycare Taylor runs over to the wagon and gets in. She is hoping I will take her on a walk. We haven't been outside much because it has been freezing here! Kaylie learned how to get into and out of the pack and play by herself. She has NO FEAR. She will dive in and out of it head first. So it looks like it won't be long before we move to the big beds. I am not quite ready for that.