Kaylie was feeling bad all Saturday and Sunday. Her temperature was 104.7 so we took her to the emergency room per our pediatrician's advice. When we got to the hospital it was 104.3 and then it quickly rose to 105 degrees even after having taken Tylenol and Motrin so they admitted her to the hospital. They said they needed to get her fever down quickly so she didn't have a seizure. It was very scary for us. You hate to see your baby so miserable. We spent the night in the hospital and she was given lots of tests and medicine. The emergency room doctor thought she had pneumonia. The hospital doctor said it is either pneumonia, a viral infection or a bacterial infection. They said a bacterial infection could be life threatening so they felt it was necessary to keep her under close watch. Thankfully her temperature has gone down and she got out of the hospital yesterday afternoon. We still don't know what it is that she has. She still isn't feeling good but she is feeling much better than she was. Today she mostly slept. Hopefully she will be back to her normal fiesty and giggly self soon.
Taylor is doing fine. We have been keeping an eye on her to make sure she doesn't get what Kaylie has. Taylor is as sweet as ever but she has developed a nasty habit of hitting. If you tell her no or if she gets mad, she will hit you. So I fuss at her and then she busts out in tears and wants you to hug her. My mom says "Taylor tries really hard to pitch a fit but she really doesn't know how. Kaylie on the other hand has it down pat." The girls love to play ball, read, clap and sing. When I sing they clap no matter how bad I sound...and believe me...it is bad. Taylor called my mom "Nana" for the first time this weekend. The girls are starting to be able to answer my questions by shaking their heads. It is amazing how much they have learned to comprehend and respond to in the past month or two.
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