Monday, March 1, 2010

Woo-Hoo - Taylor Can Walk!...Although I shouldn't be so excited

My memory card reader died so I will have to post photos in the next day or two. George and Cissy were in town last week so we got to see them a good bit. We took the girls to the beach in front of George's condo but it was cold so they were only out there for a minute. The girls are full of personality and this weekend they were out of control. It is our fault because we got them off schedule a little bit.....we won't be doing that again. Our system for keeping them in the living room is now obsolete. They have figured out every escape route possible. The funniest thing is that they team up to push furniture out of the way. They want to be wherever I am. If I am in the kitchen, they will find a way to get into the kitchen. They are in the stage where they want to be with me every second of the day which makes cooking, working or doing anything else really impossible. My editing on the computer has pretty much shifted from 7pm - midnight or 1 in the morning. Otherwise they are at the computer under my feet pulling the mouse, pulling the cords, pushing any buttons on the computer they can reach, etc. I tried to lightly pop their hand when they do it but that didn't work at all. Kaylie just thought that was funny and Taylor just kept doing it. So yesterday I lightly flicked Taylor's hand when she pulled the mouse and she made the saddest little pouty face. She didn't cry but she stuck her bottom lip out and gave me a sad puppy dog look....but it worked for the most part. I move them away from the computer but they keep coming back.....I think we will have to get a "time out" chair. They are too little for it now but it won't be long. Taylor is climbing the stairs. If you turn for one second she is up five stairs and Kaylie is right behind her. Taylor did finally learn to walk! I am excited but it made our lives get even busier if that is possible. Taylor took her first steps last week so there is a lot of chasing going on. The girls are communicating so much now. They really understand a good bit of what we say and are saying a good amount of words. They talk all the time. Taylor loves the dogs....Kaylie not so much. Taylor loves to pet them. She just smiles and laughs. The girls are a lot of work but so much fun. It is amazing how much a 1 year old can understand. They are really a lot smarter than I give them credit for. They are just so funny to watch. Every day brings something new and amazing. The girls and I are looking forward to going to Greenville this coming weekend to see Granddad Stovall and Nana. I think Neale is looking forward to a little relaxing while we are gone.

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