We had a great visit with everyone in Greenville and Neale got to golf while we were away. The girls are growing so fast. These photos were taken in the front yard today. I am so happy that the weather is getting warmer so we can get out of the house. Kaylie holds my hand and walks when I ask her to and also gives me kisses when I ask her to. I don't know why but it really amazes me how much they understand. They are pretty smart. Kaylie sees my camera and quickly turns her head the other direction. It is a game to her. She will peak back around and if I still have my camera up she will quickly turn her head away again. She loves to be with her mama all the time but at the same time she is very independent and strong willed. Both girls are very loving. My favorite thing is all the hugs and kisses I get and I love it when they come sit in my lap or lay their head on my shoulder. It makes me so grateful to be a mother. I really treasure every minute that I spend with them. Taylor is getting better at her balance and will be walking better soon. She is such a sweet baby. Her feelings get really hurt when you fuss at her for doing something she isn't supposed to do so shortly after fussing at her you have to console her because she gets so upset. She wants to make you happy and wants to do the right thing. Kaylie on the other hand thinks it is hilarious when she gets fussed at. She actually laughsand tests what she can get away with. Taylor follows Kaylie around and wants to do what Kaylie does. The girls are still the best of friends which I think is precious.
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