Business has been so busy that I haven't had a chance to take any good photos of my babies lately but I hope to find time soon......wishful thinking. I shouldn't complain because I am blessed to have the business and I know that. I worked all weekend so I didn't get much time with my girls. We did manage to have a dance party though before my wedding Saturday. The girls love to dance with mommy and mommy loves it too! They get jealous if one is holding my hands and not the other so we have started dancing where I hold one of each of their hands and they hold each other's other hand. Taylor is very independent. She wanted to eat with her own spoon and didn't want me to help. It took her about 45 minutes to eat the yogurt but she was content the whole time. Kaylie gave up and asked for help. Her way of asking is making a noise is loud and sounds like "UHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The girls went to the doctor this week for Taylor's mosquito bite and pinkeye and got weighed. Kaylie weighs 23.8 lbs and Taylor weighs 24.8 lbs. They are still one pound apart. On the way home from photographing Couture For the Cure (a breast cancer fundraiser) today I stopped by the store to finally get halloween outfits for the girls and they are out of everything!! Oops! Not sure what we are going to do now.