Thursday, October 21, 2010

Taylor's Mosquito Bite

Kaylie's Angel Face
I swear she is the happiest baby

And of is T

This is Taylor yesterday (and this is it looking MUCH better than it did)

My Fashion Diva

Kaylie came up with this hairdo on her own

Taylor totally posed for this in progress
So tonight the girls smiled for photos (a couple times) when I asked them to and even said "Cheese". And they definitely didn't learn "Cheese" from me because I do not say that...ever. It is so funny to me the things they say sometimes which I know did not come from me. Taylor the other day pointed to a hairbow and said "Bow". The girls are still fashion divas and I don't know where they get it because I don't have time to do anything like shop, do hair, etc. Half of my wardrobe is still from college and high school. I shouldn't admit that but it is true. The girls are perfectly content trying on shoes, brushing hair, put on momma's shoes, and putting on clothes. They put on my high heels and walk around the house. And Kaylie is still VERY opinionated about what she wears. She will pitch a fit if she doesn't like it. She likes Minnie Mouse, Ariel, and Dora. Yesterday she had Minnie Mouse on her shirt. We were walking down the hall to daycare and we passed a backpack in the hall that had Minnie Mouse on it. Kaylie pointed to the backpack and then pointed to her shirt. Smart chick.
Taylor got bit by a mosquito several days ago and her face blew up! Her nose was so swollen that her face looked completely different. People thought she had fallen or that something bad happened but it was all from a mosquito bite on her nose. I didn't get a photo when it was at its worst. Several people told me her face looked so bad that she may have an infection and then daycare called and said they thought Kaylie had pinkeye so I took both of them to the doctor. I don't think Kaylie actually had pinkeye and they are both doing much better now.
I have a mole on my chest and when Taylor was a baby she always tried to eat it. Yesterday she tole me it was my "boo boo".
The girls are into eskimo kisses now. I give them to Taylor and then she says and signs "More".
I love my super sweet girls!

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