Kaylie and Mama

Taylor LOVES to try on shoes and brush her hair. And she doesn't want your help. She wants to do it. And when you brush Taylor's hair ...this is what happens. Every morning she brushes it and it turns into a big bush and I have to wet it to get her pretty curls back. The girls are both in mama phases. They want mama to get them out of the car, mama to dress them, etc. Taylor gives me big hugs and doesn't want to let go of my neck. Kaylie gives me lots of kisses. I am shocked at what a happy baby Kaylie has turned out to be. She always has a smile on her face and giggles all the time. She is so excited about everything.
Tonight we went to the store to look for Halloween costumes. The girls each got pumpkins to go trick or treating and they loved them. While we were looking for costumes Daddy decided to put on a mask and roar at the girls. That didn't go over so well. Poor Taylor was terrified and balling her eyes out. I don't think Daddy will be doing that again any time soon.
This morning Kaylie came up to me and gave me a hug and Taylor ran after her shaking her finger at her telling her "NO!" They can get a little bit jealous. If you tell one they are good or beautiful then the other one will look at you like "What about me?" And if you tell one of them they are doing something good then the other one will copy her sister so you can tell her she is doing good too. When you tell Taylor she is good or pretty she gets this little smile on he face that I can't describe but it is precious. She gets a little shy smile and looks away but you can see how happy it makes her.
Tonight we went to Applebees and there was a woman in the booth next to us that had the same haircut as my mom from behind. Taylor kept saying "NANA!" and trying to peek around the table to see her face. We kept telling her that it wasn't Nana and she almost started crying when the woman finally did turn around.
Hopefully more photos to come this weekend.
Halloween is a fun time of year. Enjoy!