My silly little girls

My Sweet "T"

Kaylie would only smile when she was doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing

And of course...Taylor joined in


Taylor looking at the ocean

Taylor loved walking around. Kaylie was freezing so stayed right beside mama
At two years old I just need someone to open the refrigerator to get Daddy a drink!
The girls are speaking in sentences these days. They are able to communicate and get their point across which is nice but also makes me sad at the same time because they are growing up way too fast.
The girls love to be silly. They love to laugh and make everyone else laugh. They love to dance, eat with spoons, dress up, play with puzzles, go potty, take baths with their Ariel dolls, go to "Applebees!", color, watch "Pony" in the car (My Little Pony movie), and dress themselves.
Tonight the girls and I were going to dance before bedtime. I told them we were going to dance and started dancing and they both had a fit. I was wondering what was wrong and then they showed me. They ran over to the cd player and tried to turn on the music. Apparently you can't dance without The Zac Brown Band playing. As soon as I turned on Zac Brown they were dancing away.
The teacher at daycare told me today that Taylor had a toy that Kaylie wanted. Kaylie had a fit because Taylor had it so Taylor put it down and went and sat in the teacher's lap. She said it hurt Taylor's feelings so bad that Kaylie was upset that she threw down the toy and wanted nothing to do with it. She said Taylor is a sweet girl and very sweet to her sissy. Taylor does always try to hug and kiss Kaylie but Kaylie usually won't let her. Kaylie tries to tell Taylor what she is supposed to do. If Taylor isn't doing what Kaylie thinks she is supposed to be doing Kaylie will run up to her and turn her head sideways and point her finger at Taylor and tell her what she should be doing.
Kaylie is very independent. She gets in trouble and I fuss at her and she throws herself on the ground but then she always cries for mama (even if it is me that she is mad at) and once I hold her and she cries it out she is all better.
We have our "Terrible Two" moments but mostly the girls are sweet, loving, and kind. They are happy and giggly and I am so proud of them.