Last week I had the flu so I was confined to my bedroom for a few days so I wouldn't get the rest of the family sick. I am feeling much better (except for chest congestion) and we were able to take the girls to the park again on Sunday. They love it there so we are excited about putting up the girls own little playground in the backyard in the next few weeks. Neale and I were happy to finally be outside in nice weather too. It is amazing how much happier we seem to be when the sun is shining!
The girls' new popular saying is "I no like it." If they don't like the song on the radio, the snack I give them, etc. they immediately tell me. The girls love to dance to two Zac Brown songs but when I turn on other songs they almost always tell me "I no like it." Taylor will actually pitch a fit if you don't play the right song and start kicking and jumping around. She is really into her music and dancing. I have taken lots of videos of it so I need to post some. Every day the girls come up to me and say "Dance". It is their favorite thing to do next to playing outside.
Neale and I often talk about how different the girls' personalities are. We have decided that Kaylie is a rule follower. She likes to do the right thing and she wants to make sure that Taylor does too. If Taylor is not doing the right thing Kaylie will tell her to and get right in her face so she can look at her in the eyes and put her hands up in the air like she is explaining it to her. She will start by saying "T" like she is trying to make sure Taylor is paying attention and then she goes on with her explanation and nods her head. Of course, Taylor could care less. She is probably going to do the opposite of what you tell her to because she thinks it is funny.
Neale and I often talk about how different the girls' personalities are. We have decided that Kaylie is a rule follower. She likes to do the right thing and she wants to make sure that Taylor does too. If Taylor is not doing the right thing Kaylie will tell her to and get right in her face so she can look at her in the eyes and put her hands up in the air like she is explaining it to her. She will start by saying "T" like she is trying to make sure Taylor is paying attention and then she goes on with her explanation and nods her head. Of course, Taylor could care less. She is probably going to do the opposite of what you tell her to because she thinks it is funny.
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